I have done my best to create a simple, transparent privacy policy. My aim is to collect and store no data. This site is hosted on GitHub Pages and does not use any cookies or tracking.
This site is statically generated and served as HTML through GitHub Pages. Fundamentally this means there is very little surface area for this site to be hacked or compromised. It does not require a database or backend server to process and render documents. The pages are served directly as static files by GitHub’s content delivery network.
Services I Use
This website does not use Google fonts from the Google CDN. It uses a self-hosted version of fonts which are free of tracking.
If and where Youtube videos are embedded in this site, I use the Youtube privacy-enhanced embed mode. Learn More
You can reach me through my social media profiles or via email at hi@fka.dev.
Information I Collect
As this site is hosted on GitHub Pages, GitHub may collect some basic information as described in their privacy policy. I do not have access to this information and do not collect any additional data.
This site is statically generated and hosted on GitHub Pages, which provides inherent security benefits by having minimal attack surfaces and no dynamic content processing. All traffic is served over HTTPS.
Changes to This Privacy Policy
I may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. I will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page.
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, you can contact me at hi@fka.dev or through my social media profiles.